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Showing 104 Result(s)
Real Estate

Tips for Moving with Pets

You’ve bought a new home (YAY!) and now it’s time to move (don’t stress). The last few weeks of closing on your home and preparing for your move can admittedly be stressful. For everyone in your home, not just the humans. Your pets, as well! Sharing a few tips for making the transition to your …

Charleston Real Estate

Home Buying: A Timeline

Congratulations! You’ve bought a home! How exciting, and it’s my sincere hope that we are working on that home purchase together. Buying a home can be a stressful time, it’s not an easy feat. Many times a new buyer will ask me for a rough timeline of how the home buying process works. I’m bringing …

Lifestyle Travel

Friday Faves: Volume XVI

Bonjour! I’m back! I took about a two week hiatus from this corner of the internet and hopped over to France and Monaco. What a treat that was! Now, we’re back in business and ready to play catch up and get back to a routine. (You know I LOVE a routine, right?!) I’m sure you …

Lifestyle Travel

Travel Essentials

Hello from France! We hopped a plane and have about two weeks in France & Monaco this spring. We’re so, SO excited to be here! Sharing a quick list of some of my favorite travel essentials for your flight (truly a short list). When I’m back, I will share all the things I brought and …