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Charleston Real Estate

Home Buying: A Timeline

Congratulations! You’ve bought a home! How exciting, and it’s my sincere hope that we are working on that home purchase together. Buying a home can be a stressful time, it’s not an easy feat. Many times a new buyer will ask me for a rough timeline of how the home buying process works. I’m bringing …

Lifestyle Travel

Friday Faves: Volume XVI

Bonjour! I’m back! I took about a two week hiatus from this corner of the internet and hopped over to France and Monaco. What a treat that was! Now, we’re back in business and ready to play catch up and get back to a routine. (You know I LOVE a routine, right?!) I’m sure you …

Lifestyle Travel

Travel Essentials

Hello from France! We hopped a plane and have about two weeks in France & Monaco this spring. We’re so, SO excited to be here! Sharing a quick list of some of my favorite travel essentials for your flight (truly a short list). When I’m back, I will share all the things I brought and …

Charleston Lifestyle Travel

Friday Faves: Volume XV

WHEW. It’s Friday. This week started out so fun, and definitely got truly chaotic. I’m grateful for the positive thoughts, grace and love I’ve been given. Having a super supportive circle is so important, let me tell you. On to brighter things, I finally made a few spring purchases that I really love. I’m excited …