Charleston Lifestyle Real Estate

When to Know You’re Ready to Sell Your Home

Hi! I wanted to chat with you today about a common conversation I have with my clients:
“How do I know I’m ready to sell my home and buy something else?”

This can be a TOUGH conversation, first with yourself, and then with me. There are LOGISTICS that you have to think about (how much do I owe, what’s the market like, am I leaving my neighborhood, HOW DO I PACK) and sometimes these logistics are a lot to deal with. Sometimes they aren’t.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when you’re starting this conversation:
-How much do I owe on this home?
-Have I outgrown this space? Do I need something different for my next season of life?
-What’s my timeline?
-What do I want next? Where do I want to be next?
-What’s selling in my neighborhood?

Here’s OUR conversation points:
-Where do you want to go next?
-What is your budget?
-What’s your timeline?
-Do you need to sell in order to buy?
-What can I do to support YOU?

If you’ve had the first conversation block with yourself, it’s probably best for you and I to chat next 🙂 After we meet, we can walk through all of the steps needed to be taken to make your dreams a reality . . . and to make sure we accomplish your home buying goals.

This makes it all seem super simple, I KNOW, but just trust me that it can be this simple. We’ve got this!
Ready to talk? I’m here, you know where to find me.