Hi, hello, happy Monday.
Confession: today is probably the first Monday in MONTHS where I have really struggled to find my motivation. I’m all about a new day, week, month. I LOVE Mondays (“Treat your Monday like a Friday” is one of my go-tos), but today, I just don’t have it.
It could be the Ohio cold, it could be the packed few weeks ahead on my calendar, some personal stressors. I don’t know, but I don’t have it today. I’m human, we all are, and I thought if I’m struggling today, so many others may be as well.
Here’s how I’m reminding myself to find motivation today:
-Breathe. Yes, BREATHE. Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts, or in my breath and a good reminder to just BREATHE helps me so much.
-Grounding. This one can be tough (like when there’s snow on the ground), but I really feel like there’s power in getting outside and putting your feet on the ground. Much easier in warmer months, but this is such a key for me.
-Walking away. Counterintuitive? Yes, maybe. BUT. I do think closing the laptop and walking away for no more than 30 minutes can help so much. After I post this, I’m going to do just that. I’m going to close my laptop, silence my phones and make a coffee and breathe for a moment. Sometimes when I walk away, I can reassess what needs to be done and go back with fresh eyes.
-Look at my to-do list, reassess, edit and consolidate. When I don’t have motivation, I find that reviewing what actually HAS to be done, what I’ve actually done and what I don’t have the bandwidth to get done helps. More often than not, I can tackle what I need to do after reassessing my agenda and my lists.
-Reframe and edit. Simple, just reframe what you’re looking at. If I can look at a problem and think about it from the solution side, I usually can edit what needs to happen and move forward.
-Change of sound and scenery. Sometimes I can improve my motivation by leaving my desk, maybe moving to the kitchen counter or dining room table and switching up my sounds. The audiobook may not be doing it for me, I’ll swap for a Spotify Daylist (do you feel like it always knows exactly what you need) and then sitting back down. I’m almost always able to re-motivate with this.
What works for you? What tips do you have for me?
I hope your day and week are motivating and productive!