Happy Charleston Wine+Food Festival weekend! It’s one of my favorite times of the year!
Somehow I completely missed posting a faves last week, probably because I was working on so many of my favorite things! I went right from Ohio/West Virginia to work to doing some volunteering. What a true treat!
It’s WILD that we’re already in MARCH. Summer will be here before we know it!
Reminder to check out my Woman of Impact page to join us at some of our events! We have so many fun ones! Not local? Please consider donating!
I have a confession: I am NOT buying clothes this month! There’s one caveat: I have two galas in April I need dresses for. Those can’t be rented, I’m too short! Other than those, there will be NO clothes shopping this month. Until then, we’re filling our carts with things we love!
What I’m Loving this Week:
-This dress has me in a longterm love affair and I am constantly looking at it. Come April 1, it’s getting purchased!
-I have a really strong passion for seasonal dessert plates. My friends know my passion for Christmas plates. These are too cute and on sale, almost half off!
-I really love a seasonal top as much as a seasonal dessert plate. This is so fun for late spring!
-I bought the perfect cream jeans a few weeks ago and when I tell you I have worn them four times in the last week, I’m not exaggerating. They’re perfectly chic.
-Speaking of jeans, I can’t tell you how much I love this light wash pair, same brand as the cream pair. These are the perfect casual jean, that still looks super elevated with a striped top and cardigan!
-My spring sneakers have been worked into my rotation and holy comfort! I went for a lunch date walk in these and they passed the distance test!
-I bought a new under eye cream for mornings and so far, so good! Great price and just gives a little boost with its added caffeine!
-Sunless tanner season is in full swing (it’s year-round for me), and this is my tried and true set. They update the ‘fragrance’ every year, and I find the ones with a slight fragrance are easier to apply and wear during the day if you aren’t doing an overnight tan!
What I’m Reading & Listening to this Week:
-We had our Harbour Club book club this week and it was SO fun! Everyone loved the book. Read it. Trust me.
-I am about to start our friend group April pick and I can’t wait!
-Our April Harbour Club pick is a repeat for me, but a true favorite. Highly, highly recommend!
-As I type this, I’m finishing an AMAZING audiobook. Buy it and read it asap.
-My bedside kindle read is going to be a slow burn, I can tell!
Have the best weekend!