Charleston Lifestyle Real Estate

Hello, 2024

Happy New Year! If you know me, you know I L O V E love a Monday. My favorite Peloton instructor, Alex Toussaint, often says “Treat your Monday like your Friday” and that has really resonated with me. I love a fresh week and a fresh month. I really, really love when they start on a Monday. It just feels so clean.

Today is Monday, January 1, 2024. New day, week, month, YEAR. All on a Monday. This calendar-lover could not be happier.

Speaking of calendars, later this week I will be sharing my go-to’s for calendars, organizing your schedule and some great desk needs.

I’m so happy you’re all here in this little corner of the internet with me. I can’t wait to share what I know (and don’t know, sometimes trial by error is great) and some life and real estate tips and tricks (plus some great must-buys because who doesn’t love to online shop).

Come along for the ride, I’m thrilled and honored you’re here!