Goal: the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
It’s no secret that I l o v e LOVE setting goals. I don’t hit all of them, but I do love a goal. Personally and professionally.
In real estate, it tends to be second nature to set a goal; clients served, homes sold, total amount sold. Almost every agent I know has some sort of goal or metric they’re looking to hit. You’ll often see agents posting about these goals throughout the year, especially at the beginning/end of the year.
Personally, I feel like goals are a BIG part of my personality. I love a calendar, a spreadsheet, and all things color coordinated (have you read my post on calendars?).
Here’s a few tips I find that helps with my goal setting:
Say it out loud to yourself: If you’re good with looking at yourself in the mirror, say it there. If you don’t love that, find the spot in your home that you’re most comfortable and say your goal out loud to yourself. Vocalizing makes such a difference.
Write it down: It’s no secret that I’m a pen (marker) and paper girlie, but writing your goal down makes it feel real.
Have some fun with it: I love colored pens and markers, so when I do write down my goal, it’s in a color I love. I also stick with that same color every time I write it down, so I have that visual memory. (Fitness goals: red, work goals: blue, volunteer/charitable goals: green)
Try to make it specific AND buildable: I think my best goals are specific, yet buildable. “I want to work out five days this week, with a minimum of 45 minutes per workout.” I think my best successes have been when I made a detailed goal but something that can grow and improve. Maybe it’s adding in weights to my workouts, then challenging the size of the weights as I go.
Professionally, it may be a certain dollar amount for the year, and then when I exceed that, it’s another level. Or it’s a certain number of client touches, or a certain amount of posts on social media. Layering and building onto your goal almost helps you achieve your goal and surpass it along the way.
Give yourself some grace: This is where I struggle the most, I can extend it to others, but I struggle to give myself grace. You may hit every metric of your goal . . . but you may not. And that’s okay.
Be determined, but flexible: Have your intention in your mind, but also be aware of the fact that it just may not work out today. Or this month.
Share your goal with your circle: I am constantly looking to my people to share my goal, as both a hype squad and some accountability. I find the best goals are the ones my people know about, can cheer me on and hold me accountable (especially on rough days).
I’ve found these tactics to be most beneficial for me when I’m setting all of my goals. I hope this helps you! Any tips you want to share with me?!