Charleston Real Estate

The Importance of Home Ownership

Hi! I hope your week is off to a great start and that your weekend was lovely. I had the perfect mix of work and play this weekend, but not a ton of downtime (working on adding that in next weekend for sure). This week, I am hosting an event on home buying with another agent and a mortgage professional I’m good friends with.

While prepping for the event, I was thinking about the importance of home ownership. This is something that is AND isn’t fully talked about. Especially in a town with a higher cost of living and some transient industries (military, medicine, aviation).

Renting is relatively easy when you think about maintenance, but if you stop and think about just how much money you’re essentially giving away every month, I would be shocked if you didn’t stop to think about buying a home. I know that’s how I was when my rent was increased just *one more time.*

Buying your own home, especially your first home, is such a life accomplishment. There is something so very special about watching my clients sign their closing documents for the first time (and when they sell and buy again!). Having your own home, that you own, provides you with a deep sense of security and stability in a way that you can’t replicate through renting.

This is a quick list of reasons home buying is important as you get older and grow your net worth and prepare for your future.

-Tax Benefits
-Gain and build equity
-Homes are a personalized savings account essentially
-Appreciation of worth
-Preparing retirement investments
-Predictability of monthly expenses
-Consistent Community
-Pride of Ownership
-Monthly payments more stable than annual rent increases
-No need to move every year
-Freedom to paint and decorate as you wish
-No pet fees

This is just a short, brief list of reasons why. If you want to chat more, I’m here to talk! If you don’t have plans Wednesday, January 31, I would love for you to join us. Tickets are here 🙂