Charleston Lifestyle

Must Listens: My Top Podcasts

Does anyone else love to listen to something while they work at their desk, drive around town and do some household chores? I know that most people probably agree. While I LOVE to listen to music, I really enjoy a good audiobook but my true desk listening love: a podcast.

I love to listen to a podcast episode as a way of time blocking.
Forty minute episode? This is the time I work on lead-gen. Thirty minute episode? Maybe I clean one section of my house during this time.
I really love that the episodes are in shorter timeframes and that I can use them in a way to loosely time block my day.

Today, I’m sharing my favorite podcasts and I would love to hear more about your favorites!
My favorites tend to be all over the place: pop culture, crime/murder, and sports. There’s a little bit for everyone!

My Shows:
Crime Junkie: Basic white girl true crime podcast, I LOVE the length of these shows! I feel like I hear a new story every week.
Serial: Okay, season one blew me away and admittedly I haven’t been enraptured by seasons two or three, but I just started season four and I am impressed so far. So much I had no clue about.
Pop Apologists: Sometimes it’s a bit much, but I really enjoy these two!
Deux Moi: I know I’m a sucker for some pop culture and celeb gossip, but it’s a guilty pleasure for me.
New Heights: I’ve been a fan before the Taylor days, I just think these two brothers are so fun.
The Pivot: Another sports podcast, this one goes deep. I really love how they take the time to get to know their guests. I love the concept of finding your pivot.
Broken Record: Both Rick Rubin and Malcolm Gladwell have SUCH GOOD voices. I love to hear them speak, their recent episode with Justin Timberlake was really good.
How I Built This: I feel like I learn something every episode. So awe-inspiring.

One-Off Series I’ve enjoyed:
S-Town: I think about this one often. It was a WILD story.
Three: I’ve mentioned this the past few weeks in my Friday Faves, it’s a story that took place in Morgantown!
Blood Ties: A scripted show with Josh Gadd. I loved the first two seasons!
Homecoming: Another scripted show, this one with David Schwimmer. It started out so, so good but ultimately fizzled out for me.

I’m fascinated by podcasts. I would love to hear what shows you’re loving as well!